This domain name, BRAEDENS.CO.UK is for sale. Please address all enquiries to

Watch a video of a Braeden pony trek here! This website for BRAEDENPONYTREKKING CENTRE, now called 'Braeden Trekking' on Bleasdale Lane, PRESTON, the 'family run centre' by husband and wife JULIE and TERRY DAVIES (yes he does still live there....), and their daughter STEPHANIE DAVIES is no longer active. On YouTube there is a video of Braedens Pony Trekking that someone has uploaded of a trek where Steph Davies is smoking on a horse and the horse throws the rider, the video is below. If you [are stupid enough to] do any work for Braeden trekking, they will tell you to go ahead with everything, tell you to do all the work, then at the end they will be very NASTY, ABUSIVE and refuse to pay you anything at all. FACT. Proof available. Strange how they can't accept debit or credit cards if you notice....

I have emails from SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE saying they are also owed money by Steph and Terry Davies at Braeden's. BE WARNED. I was also warned but foolishly I went ahead with work for them. BE VERY CAREFUL if you have any dealings with these decieving people, they will rip you off LIKE THEY RIPPED ME OFF.